As a small business owner, you wear many hats – from operations to marketing to finance and more. With limited time and resources, it can be challenging to excel in every area of your business. This is where bringing in help from a professional consultant can make a big difference. Small Business Development Center (SBDC) consultants are experienced specialists who can provide objective advice and help implement solutions to improve your business. Here are some of the ways working with a SBDC consultant can benefit small business owners.

Gain an Outside Perspective

When you’re deep in the day-to-day work of running your company, it’s hard to step back and objectively look at the big picture. A business consultant brings an unbiased perspective and can assess your business operations and strategy to identify opportunities for improvement you may have missed. With their broad expertise working with many different clients, they can share best practices you may not be aware of.

Access Expert Skills and Knowledge

SBDC consultants are highly trained professionals with specialized skills and extensive real-world experience. Working with an SBDC consultant allows you to tap into expertise you don’t have in-house. For example, you can work with a marketing consultant to help overhaul your social media strategy, a web designer to help you improve your site, or an HR pro to optimize your hiring practices and avoid legal challenges. This expands your capabilities without having to hire full-time staff.

Increase Business Efficiency

Consultants specialize in evaluating processes to find ways to streamline operations and reduce costs. An outside expert can often spot inefficiencies you’re too deep in the weeds to see. By maximizing productivity, automation and staffing approaches, a SBDC consultant can help you do more with less. This frees up your time and resources for high-level strategic work.

Small business consultant women talking about business strategy professional small business consulting

Support Strategic Planning

Because SBDC consultants have worked with many organizations on strategy, they know how to guide a strategic planning process. Our consultants at the SBDC have worked with thousands of small business clients. They can help run planning sessions, provide SWOT analyses, identify growth opportunities, and ensure your short and long-term plans are aligned with your capabilities and vision. This gives you a roadmap to move forward confidently.

Gain Confidence

When you’re operating solo as an entrepreneur, it’s easy to second guess yourself. SBDC consultants provide an outside perspective to validate plans and decisions or propose adjustments. Their expert guidance can give you the confidence boost you need to move ahead with business-critical initiatives.

Married business partners meeting with a small business development center consultant


While working with a consultant requires an investment of time, applying to work with a consultant at the SBDC is completely free to you. With the right consultant, you gain a strategic partner who can help take your small business to the next level. So if you feel stuck or just want an experienced specialist to help optimize aspects of your business, apply to be a client and start streamlining your small business success.

Hannah Bretz is a consultant with the South Central Minnesota Small Business Development Center. Her expertise is in digital marketing strategy, website development, SEO, copywriting, and AI.